The name of a person, corporate body, or geographic location; the title proper of a work; or an authorized content descriptor (subject heading), placed at the head of a catalog entry or listed in an index, to provide an access point. In library cataloging, genre/form terms are also used. In AACR2, form of entry is subject to authority control. See also: main heading and subheading.
In Dewey Decimal Classification (DDC), a word or phrase used as a description of a class, given in the schedules in conjunction with the class number, for example, "Library and information sciences" for which the class notation is 020.
Also, a line of type printed on a separate line at the beginning of a section of text in a chapter or other division of a work, to indicate the following content in a few descriptive words, usually distinguished from the text typographically (larger type size, boldface, italic, etc.).